Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Use The Library , Don't Buy Reading Books

Every house have many reading books.

We are buying the books and after reading it

we always try to find a place for them.

In other words we waste our money because we could

take the book from the nearest library and if that is not enough

we have now to find a place for the books.

I did that mistake many times and now my home is full with

these books

I tried to sell them in Ebay, but as you all know I was not lonely in Ebay.

So now I have a stock without knowing what to do with it

We are paying for the storage of the books.

Writing this post i found a very good service in the US
The title is "Don't buy books,Chegg Them"
"US website provides a revolutionary online textbook rental service, offering over two million used books and 800,000 new book titles for students to rent, rather than buy. The site was founded as a response to the high cost of college textbooks foisted upon students, and is welcomed by environmentalists as a way to cut down on consumerism and move towards a more sustainable culture. "

There are many free libraries.
For Example

5,040,504 articles and books.